By Rachel Bennett

I stand amongst the buzzing anticipation of a waiting crowd. The room is full, bodies close together in eager suspense. Fake candles on pedestals adorn the stage, illuminating everything in a sultry glow. Brittney Parks, aka Sudan Archives takes the stage; it’s her first headline tour, with packed rooms and sold out shows across the country. An impressive one-woman show, she holds the stage like royalty, but with a welcoming attitude that draws us all closer.

We want to know her, to hear her expose her mind and thoughts through illuminated melody. She speaks to our souls, her music beautifully blending genres in the way we love these days; it’s experimental, with elements of funk, of pop, with a punk attitude, with a folky twist of her electric violin. It’s unique and lovely, and it holds the crowd with powerful energy. A show not to be missed, an artist that will undoubtedly create meaningful work and poignant art far into the future.

Sudan Archives’ new record Athena out now

all photos by Rachel Bennett (@rbennettphotography)
Seattle. Barboza. February 21, 2020

Sudan Archives